Services: Project Finance

Project Finance Modeling

Close your deal faster with a model that is in a league of its own...

Model Features

Lender terms
of any complexity

  • Cash sweeps, Interest rate swaps, Tranches
  • PIK bridge loans, VAT & Standby facilities
  • Shareholder loans, Mini-perms, DSRA/DSRF

Any infrastructure type
or company structure

  • Individual assets, portfolios, and platforms
  • Cross-border ventures and investments
  • Deep expertise in renewable energy assets

Responsive and
lighting-fast calculation

  • Efficient builds that help models stay light
  • Custom solvers to resore 'goalseek' capability
  • Fully responsive models that calculate 10x faster

Ready for quick and
cost-efficient audit

  • Rigorous design standards that minimise complexity and maximise transparency
  • Dynamic error and performance alert detection with comprehensive in-model checks
  • Pre-audit process using 3rd-party software developed by market experts Operis

Standard and tailored
commercial arrangements

  • Revenue stacking from provision of ancillary services, government subsidies, merchant sales
  • Conventional take-or-pay style PPAs, firm PPAs, virtual PPAs, CFD, hybrid arrangements
  • Transferrable tax credits, Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs), Carbon Credits

Advanced productivity
and automation with VBA

  • Improved, minimally disruptive logging system for model update and deal tracking
  • Automated redaction procedures for quick, and safe sharing with external parties
  • Fully automatic scenario calculation, management, and scenario-file saving

Domain Expertise

I began modeling non-recourse debt transactions in 2013 as an analyst for boutique M&A advisory firm Climate Change Capital, then moved into full project finance modeling to work with a private equity JV between Actis LLP, and Mainstream Renewable Power in Chile.

I worked on a successful $410m debt financing for a three-site wind energy portfoliio, and developed models to price winning public tender bids to supply 3,366 annual GWh from a $1.65bn renewable energy portfolio. This included modeling the anticipated open grid transactions needed to supplement intermittent generation for delivery of fixed volumes agreed to under the contract.

The complexity of project finance calculations reveal limitations with Excel's default capabilities. Work-arounds like 'copy-paste' macros create drag and delays that are not encountered in other financial modeling settings. This motivated me to develop special VBA solutions targted at upgrading model performance in project finance setttings. This includes an alternative method for circular variable handling that restores responsive and integrated model calculation, which runs 10x faster.

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